Where is Stuff?

Cleaning supplies and Nature's Miracle for dog accidents is under kitchen sink

Pool passes (May to Sept.) on hooks near stairs to lower level. Please return to that location. $25 fee for lost pass.

Step stool, mop, broom, dustpan and toolbox next to washer in laundry closet across from kitchen

Glass wine glasses above refrigerator, use plastic at hot tub.

Plastic wine glasses in kitchen cabinet next to refrigerator for use around the hot tub please.

Dog treats are in bottom kitchen drawer

Batteries for TV remotes and candles are in kitchen drawer

Hot tub and pool towels are in basket in queen bedroom on lower level

Extra dining chairs and table leaf are behind couch in sun room.

The remote for the hot tub string lights is attached via velcro to the inside of the shed door.

In the winter, our outdoor shower is turned off. If you'd like to use it, please get in touch with us, and we'll arrange to have it turned on and off as needed.