House Rules

We are overjoyed to be hosting you! Please have all in your group review these house rules.

The most important rules are related to the hot tub. Please read the posted rules, and no foreign objects or substances in the pool. Shower before entering. Oils and lotions clog the system, and there will be an extra charge for excessive cleaning.

Smoking? Nope. Not inside. If you smoke outdoors please dispose of butts in outdoor trash.

Parties or Events? Nope.

Noise? Vineyard Grove is a quiet and peaceful place. By all means enjoy yourselves, but no excessive noise please.

Furniture? Please leave it where it is, and use dog couch covers and dog blankets. We provide a dog bed; please no dogs on people beds.

Towels? Please only remove makeup with the black “Makeup” towels.

Heat and AC? We want you to be comfy, but AC no lower than 75 and heat no higher than 72 without prior approval. Turn heat to 68 upon departure, and ac to 72

Front porch string lights stay plugged in at outlet and are controlled by white remote with "Porch" on back. Please turn off when going to bed.